Looming Inflation Means It’s A Perfect Dip Buy, Right?

Does The Next 100-Point Swing Start Today?

Looming Inflation Means It’s A Perfect Dip Buy, Right? Does The Next 100-Point Swing Start Today?

If I were to describe the stock market yesterday during the FOMC notes in a meme.



Fed Minutes

Powell and most of the Federal Reserve believe inflation may worsen, and there may be more rate hikes. Am I surprised? No, because Powell announced this prior, but many people did not believe him.

Now, I’m not one to believe everything the Federal Reserve presents, but I must say this makes sense. The worst has yet to come. In fact, as the news has painted a negative stigma around the economy, stocks, in general, have continued to trend higher. What will be key is if they do continue to raise rates.


Why They Will & Why They Won’t

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