Mid Week Updates - Earnings

Analysis + Setups

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Mid Week Update ✍️ 

This week has been very volatile and full of mixed signals.
To give you an example of what Volatility is view the image below. (Yesterdays Price Action)

/ES mini popped from 5050 and then ran +70 points to 5120s. (Each point is $50 unless you are trading micros /mes in which each point is 1 dollar.)

The point is major money was made and lost within minutes. Days like this with extreme volatility give opportunities for bulls and bears to win. If you don’t understand futures and how it works refer to our 2 minutes explanation to get you caught up.

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Table of Content


Powell Says No Rate Cuts.

Listen to the Press Conference below.


If we are reading in between the lines, the market has had been propped up this whole year based off the idea we will have rate cuts.

There’s bee war news, bank failures, and bad inflation data, but whenever rate cuts are mentioned the market excludes any other information.

Long term speaking this could cause the market to base or be capped after earnings are finished.


Alibaba Announces Share Buyback

What is a buy back?
A stock buyback, or share repurchase, is when a company repurchases its own stock, reducing the total number of shares outstanding. In effect, buybacks “re-slice the pie” of profits into fewer slices, giving more to remaining investors.


This is usually a sign that the company believes their company is fairly or undervalued.

We like baba with a growing and healing China/USA relationship. There is the expectation that their economy will continue progressing after the lackluster performances over the past few years.

We have this stock long term.


$AAPL Earnings.


Does this stock go up on bad earnings? If so, I will not follow that trend.


This technology would be great for Apple.


Top Movers and Losers

Sectors At Open

Free tip before we go into the premium info.

  • Sometimes it takes a week after earnings and big data for the market to figure out it’s next move. If you are day trading, take profits and press forward. If you are swing trading be patient, wait until something looks obvious.

  • Swing trading options are tough during range trading, because you may not get continuation days. (multiple green days or red days in a row) You have a lot of flat days.

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